jueves, 10 de noviembre de 2016

Portada Trabajo Colaborativo No. 2 Inglés A2

Assignment 8. Blog Debate

Tutor del Grupo:
Licenciada Norma Constanza Triana

   Grupo 900002_73

Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia. UNAD.
Ingles A2 Colombia Noviembre 2016

Portal 1: (paragraph 1): Personal Information

Make a collage with pictures to introduce your celebrity. You must include a description of this person in a paragraph.

Brigitte Luis Guillermo Baptiste born in Bogota, 23th october 1963. She`s a colombian Biologist  transgender, she´s expert in environmental issues and biodiversity in Colombia. Actually she´s Director of the Biological resources research  Alexander´s von Humbolt Institute.


Baptsite is Biologist of the Javeriana University, where was graduate with a Tesis about Ecology of the Fishing in Araracuara, Amazonas. Between 1992 y 1994 makes a Master in conservation and tropical development in Gainesville, University of Florida, thanks a scholarship of the Fullbright Comision. your scholarship is focus in the managenmet of forest by rural communities in Boyacá Colombian Andes. Between 2001 and 2002, she´s benefit of scholarship Russell Train (WWF), make aditional resarch of postgraduate in Enviromental Sciences (Ecologic Economy and management of natural resources) in the Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona. Development aditional studies in the San Carlos de Guatemala University, y CATIE (1989) and the University of Mérida (Venezuela) in themes about management of Protected areas an tropical ecology, and monitoring of biodiversity en the Smithsonian Institute in the Shenandoha National Park (USA).

Professional Life

As director of the Humboldt Institute, Baptiste representing the scientific autority in Colombia in front CITES (International Convention for the Silvester Life) and the SBSTTA (Subsidiary Body of Scientific, Technical ans Technological Advice) of the CBD (convention on Biological Diversity) y recently in front the new intergubernamental Panel about Biological Biodiversity and Ecosystems  Services (IPBES), and plays like member os yours Global Panel fo 25 experts (MEP) in name of Latin America an Caribbean (2015 - 2017).

Teach and Investigation

Also his work in the Humboldt Institute, Baptiste has been a long career in the academica world. Teach in the Javeriana University during 15 years, workingen themes like politics of environmental management, rural landscapes conservation and complex systems ecology. as Biology  student, founded with others companios the Ecologic Group GEA (1982).


Brogitte is recognized in Latin America by the tv show Tabu, presented by NatGEo, also she´s columnist in the economic paper La Republica.

Personal Life

Actually, teaching and investigator, married with Adriana Vásquez, has two daugthers, Candelaria and Juana Pasión.

Portal 2: (paragraph 2) His daily routine

Brigitte Luis Guillermo Baptiste, as she has been called before the law since she changed her name, is the deputy director of the Institute of Biological Resources Research Alexander von Humboldt and one of the most respected professors of recent times in the Faculty of Environmental Studies of the Javeriana University of Bogotá. Since she does not like being pigeonholed, she never responds when asked if she is male or female.

Her short-skirted blue dress, her fellow earrings, her silicon implants on her chest, and her brushed blond hair contrast with her thick voice, her pronounced Adam's apple, and some awkwardness to walk with high heels. An image that for the more conservative is aggressive and even insulting.

A respect that she also expects from others, because becoming Brigitte was a process more than thorny: for years she denied herself, then decided that she would die with her secret and, after thinking a lot, ended up accepting it. 

She started dressing as a child at 6 or 7 years old. I was not sure why, but I wanted to be like the high school girls and not like the tough teenagers "who played to see who stood out the most." He was attracted by the fashion he saw in the magazines Cromos and Cosmopolitan, the rising diva Amparo Grisales and the photos of international transvestites in El Espacio, a newspaper that he bought secretly.

Contrary to what many people think of seeing her, Brigitte Luis Guillermo was never attracted to other men. It always had a fixation for the feminine in all its expressions.

It was then that at the age of 35 Luis Guillermo, already linked to the Humboldt Institute and professor of the Javeriana, a university of Jesuit priests who have always respected him, became Brigitte. It adopted the name of its feminine reference par excellence, Brigitte Bardot, and its film God created the woman. First she painted her hair, then her fingernails, and little by little she bought bags, earrings and dresses. In the middle of this process he met his current wife, Adriana, with whom he went to do a doctorate in Barcelona and had two daughters who are now 14 and 12 years old. Girls have been raised in a house where there are no roles and gender does not matter. Your dad is your dad so do not be the man of the house at all. 

"From Luis Guillermo, I admire today what I have always admired: the ability to go beyond, to get out of the mold, to think differently." He is a social innovator both personally and professionally - says Juan Camilo Cardenas, professor of University of the Andes and friend of the soul of Baptiste.- His testimony serves me to educate my children and show them that you can be different in a country so intolerant. 

And so, living the life between the masculine and the feminine, Brigitte Luis Guillermo Baptiste, 52 years old, is an eminence in subjects related to the ecology that gives laureate international conferences on biodiversity, collects the notes of his daughters in the school and them Explains to unbelieving taxi drivers that he is much sane, or sane, than they imagine.